Counterparts The Dynamics of Franco-German Literary Relationships 1770-1895


Counterparts The Dynamics of Franco-German Literary Relationships 1770-1895


6,003 円 (税抜き)

Originally published in 1977, this volume gives a co-hesive overview of Franco-German literary relationships between 1770 and 1895. It discerns the dynamics and outlines the structure of the interrelationship. The two literatures develop in a broadly similar direction in the nineteenth century, but there is a puzzling time-lag which forms the focal point of enquiry. It looks back to the combination of literary, political and social factors that may explain how the time-lag came into being. The book serves both as an introduction and as a starting point for further detailed analysis of specific areas and offers a new approach to the comparative study of literature.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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