The Crown of Seven Stars


The Crown of Seven Stars


329 円 (税抜き)

Aum is under attack. The enemies are not external; rather, they are within the kingdom, each obsessed with the Crown of Seven Stars. Early one morning, Destiny rolls her dice. General Saahas, heir to the throne, becomes a hunted man and Aum plunges into chaos, submitting meekly to the tyranny of the self-appointed Raja Shunen and the wily Queen Manmaani. Turned into a fugitive, Saahas is forced to submit to the power of the saade saatiーthe dreaded seven and a half years befalling every person at least once in their lifetime. Bitter and full of despair, he vows to vanquish his biggest foe, Destiny. Rolling the dice once more, Destiny prepares to bend Saahas to her will. She, not Saahas, must decide the winner of the Crown of Seven Stars.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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throne >Turned plunges obsessed Destiny