Spastic Diplegia: Bilateral Cerebral Palsy: Understanding the Motor Problems, Their Impact on Walking, and Management Throughout Life: a Practical Guide for Families


Spastic Diplegia: Bilateral Cerebral Palsy: Understanding the Motor Problems, Their Impact on Walking, and Management Throughout Life: a Practical Guide for Families


1,103 円 (税抜き)

An empowering and evidence-based guide for living a full life with spastic diplegiaーbilateral cerebral palsy. ‘A must-read for professionals, parents, and the individual with CP.’ーDeborah Gaebler-Spira, MD ‘This detailed and practical book on spastic diplegia, written by a parent in conjunction with medical practitioners at Gillette, is simply brilliant and fills a huge gap.’ーLori Poliski, parent _______________________________ Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common cause of childhood-onset lifelong physical disability. Approximately one-third of those with CP have the subtype spastic diplegiaーalso known as bilateral spastic CP, or simply bilateral CP. An estimated 6 million worldwide have spastic diplegia. Until now, there has been no book focused on this condition to help this large group of people. This book focuses on the motor problemsーproblems with bones, muscles, and joints, and their impact on walking. The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) is a five-level system that indicates the severity of the condition. This book is relevant to those at GMFCS levels I to III: those who are capable of walking independently or with a handheld mobility device. These three levels account for the majority of people with spastic diplegia. The book addresses how spastic diplegia develops over the lifespan and explains the evidence-based, best-practice treatments. It empowers parents of young children, and adolescents and adults with the condition, to become better advocates and co?decision makers in the medical process. The focus of this optimistic, yet practical book is on maximizing activity and participationーliving life to its fullest. Health care professionals, educators, students, and extended family members will also benefit from reading this book. Indeed, while this book focuses on spastic diplegia, much of what is addressed also applies to other forms of spastic CP at GMFCS levels I to III, namely hemiplegia and quadriplegia. Written by Lily Collison, a parent of a son with spastic diplegia and a medical sciences graduate, in close collaboration with senior medical experts from Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcareーa world-renowned center of excellence for CP treatmentーthis is an excellent, long-needed resource for spastic diplegia. _______________________________ ‘I highly recommend this book to people who have CP, parents, family members, and medical professionals.’ーHank Chambers, MD ‘A must-read for parents and children with spastic diplegia, and if its guiding principles are followed, it will do much to ensure that their child reaches maturity with an optimal outcome.’ーJames R. Gage, MD画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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