BrewDog: Craft Beer for the Geeks The masterclass, from exploring iconic beers to perfecting DIY brews


BrewDog: Craft Beer for the Geeks The masterclass, from exploring iconic beers to perfecting DIY brews


2,670 円 (税抜き)

*** *Black Hardcover Edition* The new book from BrewDog Release your inner beer geek. BrewDog wrote the ultimate book for beer virgins. Now they have gone deeper. Deep niche deeper. Here you will find everything BrewDog loves about beer and brewing distilled into one must-read volume. You will explore the evolution of styles such as IPA and wheat beer into the myriad innovative forms they take today; discover which beers BrewDog believes are truly iconic and why; learn to perfect your own DIY brews, with recipes from many breweries to choose from; find menus for whole beer- and foodpairing dinners; and of course enjoy the beers from all around the world that should be tasted right now. In a nutshell this is a masterclass in craft beer.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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breweries masterclass BrewDog everything distilled