Operation Red Sequoia is a fast paced, high stakes escape thriller, set at a Top Secret research facility in the Nevada desert. In the early years of the 21st century, project ESCA is born from deep within the defence department of the U.S. Government. Its brief is simple; to use the most advanced scientific and medical research available to create a more advanced human being. One with enhanced senses, metabolism, and immune system. A person who can be more effective in a wide range of environments, from hostile combat conditions to industrial espionage. Special Forces soldier Rudy Sillenbrook (Sill), is critically injured in an anti-terror operation, but his family are told he was killed in action and his body not recovered. He is the first guinea pig for the ESCA project, and will become part of a team of elite, almost super human, individuals. But a rogue senior scientist on the project has other plans. He discovers that he is dying from cancer so devises an audacious plan to get Rudy out of the facility. Once his escape has been confirmed, ‘Operation Red Sequoia’ is invoked; a term known to local and state law enforcement authorities in Nevada. Rudy must be returned alive, at all costs. There follows a thrilling chase from Las Vegas to New York as the project team attempt to recapture him. As the time ticks by the net slowly tightens as Rudy is tracked across country to his final destination, resulting in a thrilling climax that leaves Rudy clinging onto life by a thread.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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