Spiritual Abuse How To Identify and Break Free From Toxic Churches Without Losing Your Faith


Spiritual Abuse How To Identify and Break Free From Toxic Churches Without Losing Your Faith


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Spiritual Abuse: How To Identify and Break Free From Toxic Churches Without Losing Your Faith tells the true story of how a dynamic church, poised to reach thousands with the gospel, lost its way and eventually crumbled under the weight of foolish leadership decisions. This is also my story. Joining the church as a teenager, I served first as a deacon and eventually, as an associate pastor in this extraordinary ministry. We opened many satellite churches throughout the state, as hundreds of young people gave their hearts and lives to Christ. Weekly Bible studies and outreach programs helped young people become responsible adults who impacted their neighbors. Many experienced transformations by the power of God. As the ministry grew, we brought nationally-recognized authors and speakers to address civic center auditoriums, where they spoke to thousands. Over a few short years, the church experienced unparalleled success. During my fifteen years, I met and married my wife Patti while helping to establish new churches in five cities. My entire life ? friends, family, and livelihood ? were wholly wrapped up in helping the church grow. Today, the property that once housed its headquarters and many other ministries is now a private residence. The church building has been converted to a large workshop. How did this happen? The church I loved declined into chaos over several years. In this book, I will share my own mistakes while this happened along with tell-tale signs that will help you recognize spiritual abuse and recover. Use this book to assess the health of your church. Paul wrote his New Testament letters to address the common obstacles every church faces. He taught the Christians in Rome, Corinth, and others to fix problems that occur when people follow self-interests rather than Christ-centered living. Included within the book is an audio course with additional worksheets and to help you make wise decisions about your church. The course will help you discover whether you attend a church that has problems or is the problem. Today, Patti and I serve full-time in ministry together with our four children and their spouses. In addition to pastoring, I am a writer, conference speaker, and podcaster. You can hear my weekly podcasts at ministerstoolbox.com, on iTunes or Google Play.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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