Chrysalis of the Creator Echoes in Time, #1


Chrysalis of the Creator Echoes in Time, #1


550 円 (税抜き)

Nara is a human female that is brutally attacked, an attack she is not meant to survive. At the moment of her greatest despair she prays for the creator to "Save her or show her to her next existence." As she is about to succumb to her injuries she is rescued by massive anglic beings she believes are the creators archangels. She awakes to find herself transported 400 years into the future. In this time the Earth in fact the Milky Way no longer exist, destroyed by the idiocy of humanity. The beings she believes to be her Archangels are actually a space-faring race called Galacticans. Who have been questing for thousands of years seeking what they call "Echoes in Time" which she is apparently one of. But she is no normal Echo. Nara's questions her own sanity when she discovers that she is the reincarnation of the Architect Creator. Regardless of if this adventure is fantasy or fact she must see it through. With the help of the Galactican crew of the Battleship Ignis, her first task is to discover her true abilities known as wisdoms. Abilities she will need if she is to restore balance and fight an evil that is spreading across the universes like a disease.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer massive called abilities brutally