Popery! As It Was and as It Is. Also, Auricular Confession; And Popish Nunneries Unveiling the Secrets of Popery & Religious Controversies


Popery! As It Was and as It Is. Also, Auricular Confession; And Popish Nunneries Unveiling the Secrets of Popery & Religious Controversies


310 円 (税抜き)

In 'Popery! As It Was and as It Is. Also, Auricular Confession; And Popish Nunneries,' William Hogan dives deep into the controversial topic of Catholicism in the 19th century. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the practices of the Catholic Church, focusing on the historical context and the impact of these practices on society. Hogan's writing style is detailed and informative, offering readers a scholarly perspective on the subject matter. The book also delves into the contentious issue of auricular confession and the existence of popish nunneries, shedding light on the inner workings of the Catholic Church at the time. This literary work serves as a valuable resource for those interested in the history of Catholicism and its influence on society. William Hogan's meticulous research and insightful commentary make 'Popery! As It Was and as It Is. Also, Auricular Confession; And Popish Nunneries' a compelling read for scholars and enthusiasts of religious studies alike.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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