A Tramp's Philosophy The Rediscovered Classic of Sagacious Twaddle, and Occasional Insight by One with Erudition and Experience in Peregrination


A Tramp's Philosophy The Rediscovered Classic of Sagacious Twaddle, and Occasional Insight by One with Erudition and Experience in Peregrination


2,578 円 (税抜き)

Bart Kennedy, the British “tramp” who captivated readers in the early 20th century with his tales of itinerant adventures, wrote over twenty books chronicling the details of these travels. A Tramp’s Philosophy was published in 1908, and is a compendium of reflections, musings, and occasionally harsh commentary on the state of the world at that time. Mr. Kennedy’s experiences as an “anti-labor traveller” give an unusual perspective of the politics and social concerns of the 1900s. Feral House is delighted to make available this most rare and sought-after of Bart Kennedy’s works.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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