



499 円 (税抜き)

Raven De Winter: loner, loser, poet with a razor blade, trapped in a tormented relationship for the sake of his young son. Pegasus Belmont: melancholy dreamer, haunted by the smile of his dead mother, silver wings tattooed on his shoulder blades like a wish. Both have their own secrets, their own reasons for trying to deny the intensity of their feelings for one another, but how long can this charade really last? Set amid the smoke-filled bars and rainy back streets of late 90s Melbourne, Trapdoor is a love story whispered to the heart of a lonely night; a contemporary, dark & lyrical new-adult novel featuring queer characters, written by Vixen Phillips. Sometimes, if you wish hard enough, dreams can come true, even if you should wake to find them gone like shadows in the morning. And soon, it will be dawn… RECOMMENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. Story contains homoerotic m/m content, adult themes, coarse language, violence, and self-harm, suicide & drug references.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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language >Trapdoor MATURE suicide >RECOMMENDED