The Chosen Love in a Hopeless Place, #3


The Chosen Love in a Hopeless Place, #3


450 円 (税抜き)

ALL BOOKS IN SERIES ON CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN - FILL YOUR EREADERS! A story reminiscent of the 'Tales of the Unexpected' series.A woman, a man, a van and a plan. What do painting and decorating, Thai brides, self-help manuals and pay-day loans have in common? J.A. knows the answer. Follow his his quest for love and happiness in The Chosen. When the luck runs out; the lucky walk away. A humorous short story set in the extremis of everyday. What Reviewers Say: "An absolute gem" "A short story with a punch" "Can't get enough - another great Emma Calin story" A classic short story in the tradition of O'Henry and Thurber画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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