The Meaning of Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) From Holy Quran Bilingual Edition English Spanish


The Meaning of Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) From Holy Quran Bilingual Edition English Spanish


150 円 (税抜き)

The Meaning of Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) From the Holy Quran Bilingual Edition In English and Spanish Languange. The blessed Chapter, revealed in Mecca, has forty Verses. The designation of the Chapter, denoting Resurrection, derives from the opening Verse. The Chapter, as reflected in its title, mainly treats of the Day of Resurrection. It opens with an enumeration of the harsh and frightening incidents to occur at the end of the world and proceeds to make mention of the happy and sad appearances of the good and evil doers. Further, the blessed Chapter deals with the states of mankind in the throes of death, the creation of man from a drop of semen as a token of Divine Omnipotence in recreating him. It is noteworthy that four Verses in the middle of the Chapter treat of the manner of Revelation and recitation of the Holy Qur'an. According to the traditions, one who perseveres in the recitation of the blessed Chapter and acts upon it shall be able to happily and smilingly cross the Bridge Spanning Hellfire (sirat). El bendito cap?tulo, revelado en la Meca, tiene cuarenta versos. La designaci?n del Cap?tulo, que denota la Resurrecci?n, deriva del Verso inicial. El Cap?tulo, como se refleja en su t?tulo, trata principalmente del D?a de la Resurrecci?n. Comienza con una enumeraci?n de los duros y espantosos incidentes que ocurrir?n en el fin del mundo y procede a hacer menci?n de las alegres y tristes apariciones de los buenos y malos hacedores. Adem?s, el bendito cap?tulo trata de los estados de la humanidad en la agon?a de la muerte, la creaci?n del hombre a partir de una gota de semen como muestra de la Omnipotencia Divina al recrearlo. Es digno de menci?n que cuatro versos en el medio del cap?tulo tratan de la manera de la revelaci?n y la recitaci?n del Sagrado Cor?n. Seg?n las tradiciones, quien persevere en la recitaci?n del bendito Cap?tulo y act?e sobre ?l podr? cruzar feliz y sonriente el puente que cruza el fuego del infierno (sirat).画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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designation treats mainly incidentes Meaning