The Power of a Parent's Blessing See Your Children Prosper and Fulfill Their Destinies in Christ


The Power of a Parent's Blessing See Your Children Prosper and Fulfill Their Destinies in Christ


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You were created to be God’s agent of blessing to your children Blessing is a custom established by God and is meant to function in every family. In fact, there are seven critical times in each of our lives when God wants to give us a powerful message of identity and destiny. In The Power of a Parent’s Blessing Craig Hill explains each of these times, answering key questions such as: ・ What is the key identity question to be answered in your child’s heart? ・ When is the appropriate time to bless? ・ What are potential consequences of not blessing? ・ What is the role of each parent in blessing at this specific time? ・ What are practical tools to use in blessing? It is never to late to start your children on the road to fulfilling their destinies. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, or step-parent, these powerful blessings will help the children in your life to prosper.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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