The Raven Chronicles The Fight Against the World Crime League


The Raven Chronicles The Fight Against the World Crime League


2,060 円 (税抜き)

The streets of the world have become mean and the darkness seems to prevail everywhere in the moment. The world is no longer a safe place for people to live in harmony and peace. It is no longer a place for the honest hard-working citizens and their children to grow up in a healthy and wholesome environment. There is no chance for them to become productive and happy. Gangsters have mobilized unilaterally. Out of each country springs up a crime organization that belongs to a vast network of organizations committed to greed, power and control of the world. It’s called the World Crime League. But fortunately, a new hero-crime fighter has arrived on the scene. He is tough, powerful and clever. He is supernatural and commissioned to arrest and detain or if necessary eliminate any and all wrong doers everywhere.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer necessary called committed powerful