Walt Whitman: An Address A Scholarly Exploration of Whitman's Literary Legacy and Influence in 19th Century America


Walt Whitman: An Address A Scholarly Exploration of Whitman's Literary Legacy and Influence in 19th Century America


310 円 (税抜き)

In Robert Green Ingersoll's 'Walt Whitman: An Address', the author delves deep into the life and work of the iconic American poet Walt Whitman. Ingersoll's literary style is both eloquent and persuasive, as he explores Whitman's influence on American literature and society during the 19th century. The address provides a detailed analysis of Whitman's poetic themes, innovative style, and his impact on future generations of writers, making it a must-read for scholars and enthusiasts of American literature. Ingersoll's examination of Whitman's significance in the literary context of his time sheds light on the profound influence the poet had on shaping the American literary landscape. His exploration of Whitman's humanistic ideals and celebration of the individual spirit adds depth to our understanding of Whitman's enduring legacy. Robert Green Ingersoll, a renowned orator and freethinker, was known for his progressive views on religion, politics, and social issues. His admiration for Whitman's pioneering work led him to deliver this address, showcasing his profound appreciation for the poet's revolutionary contributions to American literature. 'Walt Whitman: An Address' is a captivating and insightful exploration of one of America's most celebrated literary figures, making it a valuable read for anyone interested in the evolution of American poetry and culture.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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