Menacing Skies Texas Weather and Stories of Survival


Menacing Skies Texas Weather and Stories of Survival


1,130 円 (税抜き)

Imagine: you're blindsided on a dark highway by a half-mile-wide tornado. Or worse: you're aboard a commercial jetliner brought to the ground by a powerful thunderstormーthe deadliest plane crash in Texas history. In Menacing Skies: Texas Weather and Stories of Survival, Dan Henry shares incredible stories of survival from people who have come face-to-face with nature's most violent storms. Dan has covered every type of weather event during his three-decade career as a meteorologist. In this book, he collaborates with other top experts in the field to unravel the mysteries of science that drive our weather. Why do some thunderstorms spawn destructive tornadoes, and others don't? What is "supercharging" hurricanes like Harvey, enabling them to unleash historic flooding? How will climate change affect our weatherーand our livesーin the next 100 years? Whether you're an aspiring storm chaser or someone who runs for shelter at the first clap of thunder, Menacing Skies will leave you awed by the power of the human spirit and better prepared for whatever severe weather you encounter.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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hurricanes climate history unleash weather