In this extraordinary collection of stories, “Sakadelli - So, When is it Okay?”, the author, Uri Ngozichukwuka confronts the norm and the eccentric on even terms to create an evocative, andsometimes hilarious vision of life, living and loving.The author takes us from a daunting war-torn era to the seductive world of acceptance, love, relationships, migration, family secrets, and betrayal, transforming them into deeply human stories with high stakes to become a refreshing and witty answer to the question: “So, When Is It Okay?”, where uncertainty and heartbreak abound. Also included in this collection are “Virginity Dialogue”, “King of Self-Pleasure”, “So, the Card Makes It Okay?”, “Feminism, Or Not”, “Enough Said Already”. These stories by turns satirical, reverent, unsettling, funny, and utterly believable, expose the delicate and intricate ups and downs of everyday life even as their characters hide behind the disguises they have so carefully woven. “So, When Is It Okay?” written in Verse, is the first of the Sakadelli series, which stories cohere into an elegant mix of prose and poetry, full of subversive humour and truth.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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