Sadie, the Purple Butterfly


Sadie, the Purple Butterfly


548 円 (税抜き)

Re'Dina became familiar with the plight of terminally ill patients through her Philanthropist efforts and having walked through the entire process with relatives and close friends. The main thing that has stood out the most in her eyes, is the simple act of being there for those who are facing their own immorality. She says, "It's not about trying to fix it, because at a certain point it can't be fixed, no matter the means - it's about showing up, supporting and being there for the person who's going through such a terrifying experience". Sadie, the purple butterfly is dedicated to all those who fought a courageous fight in their health battles.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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entire efforts having plight battles