Mr. Lake


Mr. Lake


483 円 (税抜き)

Billy was my best friend and the last guy on earth I wanted to see. Joe Marino’s in trouble, as much trouble as a 6th grader can get into in the autumn of 1966. In an afterschool pickup game, Joe hits a foul line drive out of the playground and across the street, cracking the windshielf of his school janitor's old Volkswagen bug. Rather than face Mr. Lake, Joe and his pals run away. After a strapping by his father, Joe reconsiders his improptu flight. He volunteers to make it up to Mr. Lake by doing Lake’s yardwork for three whole Saturdays. But he’ll never get the job done with Billy Harwell helping him. Still, it's Billy who notices that strange-looking cat clinging to a low-lying limb of Mr. Lake’s tree, seemingly threatening Joe’s sleeping dog, Ginger. Billy’s wild imagination envisions the feline as some kind of lizard-like devil cat. He thinks it’s thrown a hex over Ginger. At first, Joe’s not worried. Ginger’s never met a cat she couldn’t handle. But Joe does get worried when he can’t wake Ginger, when she’s nothing but dead weight in his arms until Mr. Lake calls the cat inside. Then the dog’s back to normal. Weird? Absolutely! As weird as Billy? Maybe. Joe’s willing to let sleeping dogs lie, as long as they wake up again. But, on the way home, he and Billy get into a brawl with the neighborhood bad boy, Larry Tucci. Billy spouts off about the devil cat to Larry, who naturally wants to go back to investigate. Joe doesn’t like the idea, but agrees to go along when Larry threatens to beat Billy to a pulp. As dusk falls, the three boys sneak up to Mr. Lake’s kitchen window. They can’t agree on what they see inside but, whatever it is, it triggers a cascade of events that suck the boys into voodoo, street gang crime, paranormal Arthurian adventure, and a dreaded trip to the principal’s office. Come back with us, now, to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when dogs went unleashed, grade school kids roamed their towns unsupervised, no one knew where you were after school let out, and adoorway to realms of wild fantasy and imagination hung open on every bus stop. Lace up your Keds, gulp down a Baby Ruth, stick your pocket knife in your pocket and prepare to meet Mr. Lake.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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thrown triggers janitor Marino volunteers