Valent?a para sanar / Courage to be Healed Encontrar esperanza para restaurar su alma


Valent?a para sanar / Courage to be Healed Encontrar esperanza para restaurar su alma


2,099 円 (税抜き)

LA VIDA ALTERADA COMIENZA EN EL ALTAR PERO NO TERMINA AH?. Este no es un libro de arreglos r?pidos. Tampoco es un libro que le dir? que aleje su desesperanza con oraci?n. Encuentre verdadera sanidad interior que une el poder del Esp?ritu Santo con la consejer?a cristiana. Mediante historias de personas que encuentran sanidad puede aprender a: Confrontar y aceptar realidades dolorosas del pasado Lidiar con oraciones no contestadas y expectativas no cumplidas Soltar la amargura hacia usted mismo, hacia otros y hacia Dios Cuando los cristianos est?n desesperados, se les dice que acudir a Jes?s es la respuesta. Arrepi?ntase, y ser? sando del dolor, trauma y sufrimiento del pasado. Pero eso es solamente parte de la historia. Aunque convertirse en cristiano es el primer paso hacia la sanidad, el viaje no termina ah?. Consejer?a guiada por el Esp?ritu, oraci?n, y el poder de la gracia de Dios obran en conjunto para producir sanidad y restaurar el gozo en nuestro coraz?n. Mark Rutland invita a quienes est?n sufriendo a ser valientes, a dar el paso y buscar sanidad. The altered life begins at the altar. But it doesn’t end there. Here is a simple truth: hurt people hurt people. The damaged do damage to others and to themselves. They become toxic, and their toxicity spills over into the lives of those around them, leaving a trail of broken relationships, squandered opportunities, and shattered dreams. Hurting souls can and often do become suicidal and self-destructive. This is not a “quick fix” book, but one that illumines the need for, and very real hope for, inner healing. Delve into stories of people finding healing, and understand each stage of the process, including the following: Honestly confronting the past Facing and accepting painful realities Forgiving ourselves as well as the “unforgivable” deeds of others Dealing with disappointment and forgiving God for unmet expectations, unanswered prayers, and unfulfilled dreams Stories of people seeking and finding healing Many go to church or preach in a church every Sunday while living lives of unuttered, soul-deadening despair. Part of the reason they never get help is a prevailing religiosity that presupposes that sin and repentance are the cause of and the answer to all the soul’s distress. While salvation or the baptism of the Spirit are the first steps to healing hurt souls, these experiences may not do all that needs to be done. The altered life may well begin at an altar, but it may need to continue in a counseling office. Dr. Mark Rutland’s Courage to Be Healed is a doorway of hope for hurting souls and for those who love them.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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