Living Humanism: Part 2 A Guide to Personal Conduct and Action for the Twenty First Century and Beyond


Living Humanism: Part 2 A Guide to Personal Conduct and Action for the Twenty First Century and Beyond


1,420 円 (税抜き)

Having presented core and other principles underpinning our conduct and actions in Living Humanism Part 1, and having discussed these principles and their application in a range of key areas and contexts, part two of Living Humanism takes the discussion and application of core and other principles into the realms of further areas, situations and circumstances relevant to our daily lives, and tackles additional questions and issues central to our personal conduct and action. Chapters in part two of the guide focus specifically on our conduct and actions in support of, and in relation to, our freedom, individuality and autonomy; education and learning; and our need to support peace and cooperation, as well as avoiding violence. Living Humanism Part 2 also looks at our personal action as regards supporting our health and well-being, and examines our relationship with our non-human world as well as the actions we need to take in relation to our non-human world in order to support our own well-being and the well-being of others. The final chapter of Living Humanism Part 2, brings together the ideas discussed through parts one and two of the guide, summarising and consolidating the range of principles, the elements of personal conduct, and the forms of action we need to take, over the range of areas discussed, in order for us to support well-being for both ourselves and others.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
-being tackles additional violence together