The Breakup Recovery Workbook: Daily Writing Exercises for Surviving (And Eventually Thriving) Through the End of a Relationship


The Breakup Recovery Workbook: Daily Writing Exercises for Surviving (And Eventually Thriving) Through the End of a Relationship


999 円 (税抜き)

As the saying goes “breakups don’t have to leave you broken.” And The Breakup Recovery Workbook will prove it to you. As painful and disruptive as a breakup or divorce can be, it can also represent an enormous opportunity for personal growth and transformation. There’s a reason breakup and divorce survivors frequently describe the experience as “a blessing in disguise,” months or years after the fact. But what distinguishes these survivors from those who remain mired in their post-breakup pain for months, years, even decades? Taking ownership, and taking action. Enter The Breakup Recovery Workbook. Written by acclaimed author and coach Zachary Stockill (featured in BBC News, Radio 4, HuffPost), The Breakup Recovery Workbook contains eight weeks of journaling exercises and writing prompts for gaining clarity, inspiration, and perspective in the wake of a breakup or divorce. Based in part on the author’s Overcoming Jealousy Workbook, each week of writing exercises is focused on a different theme, all aimed at healing the pain of loss, gaining crucial new insight into healing, and designing a brighter future. With as little as ten to fifteen minutes a day, this workbook will help you to: -quickly start to recover from the initial shock and/or pain from your breakup -“stop the bleeding,” and take the crucial initial steps toward long-term healing -learn the “6 Simple Rules of Breakup Recovery,” guaranteed to give you the best chance at a speedy recovery -get valuable new insight into your childhood and previous dating experiences and how they shape and form your current reality -explore proven, time-tested mindfulness and visualization techniques aimed at encouraging and facilitating peace of mind -remember all of the wonderful things that make you “you,” and begin to get your "old self" back -work on your self-esteem, take back the power, and access an enhanced new sense of confidence and self-assuredness -put together a specific, detailed action plan aimed at improving your physical health and mental well-being -internalize and crystalize the lessons from your last relationship, in preparation for your next, more suitable relationship in the future -build an incredible new single life for yourself (in preparation for an incredible new relationship whenever you’re ready for it) -immediately start healing the pain of loss, and gaining a new sense of possibility and excitement about your future Drawing insights from self-help, cognitive behavioural therapy, as well as ancient Buddhist and Stoic philosophy, The Breakup Recovery Workbook is designed for anyone going through a breakup or divorce who’s looking for clarity and peace of mind, and willing to take action to get it. While there is no escaping the initial pain of a breakup or divorce, this pain becomes more and more manageable the more we absorb the lessons from our past, take stock of where we are in the present, and plan for a better tomorrow. Believe it or not, breakups don’t have to leave you brokenーbreakups can leave you better. And if you’re willing to put in the work, The Breakup Recovery Workbook will prove it to you. So let's get started! Order The Breakup Recovery Workbook today, start healing the pain of loss, and start planning for a better tomorrow.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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