The Origin Division of Special Abilities I


The Origin Division of Special Abilities I


450 円 (税抜き)

Valerie Sanders is murdered while Jack Lambert peacefully sleeps off a drinking binge beside her. Zaccaria Romano is left devastated by the news when his soon-to-be fianc?e is murdered while cheating on him with another man. Mark O’Donell and Madison Sullivan are the detectives in charge of finding the killer, while Zoe Mitchell is the lawyer exercising all her legal knowledge to prevent the man she silently loves from going to jail forever. Jack, Zaccaria and Madison have something in common. Valerie’s murder unites them. They are reunited with the life that always belonged to them but that they refused to accept. Destiny has marked them and leads them to join forces to help justice. Will they accept their destiny?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Lambert always common silently prevent