Resuscitated: a Covid-19 Tragedy


Resuscitated: a Covid-19 Tragedy


548 円 (税抜き)

It has been six months since Sarah Billingsly was admitted to a nursing home for end-of-life care. Now that she is being released to return to her house, Sarah knows that she has been provided a healing miracle, thanks to a doctor who has cured her of cancer. Clearly, she has been given a second chance and vows to be grateful and better serve her Lord. But what Sarah does not realize is that life is about to give her another unexpected jolt. While doing her best to navigate through her extra-inning in life, Sarah downsizes, prioritizes, and mobilizes for the gift of a second chance. But just as Sarah finds her place and a new identity as Merry Christian, a global pandemic hits and changes everything. Once again, her friendships, loyalty, love, gratitude, and Christian service are tested in ways that she could never have imagined. In this insightful, meditative Christian allegory, a cancer survivor provided with the miraculous gift of healing considers her discipleship and life priorities, even as a new crisis challenges her and the world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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priorities prioritizes changes thanks Christian