Knowledge from the World Beyond A Wealth of Information Channeled from the Spirit World


Knowledge from the World Beyond A Wealth of Information Channeled from the Spirit World


548 円 (税抜き)

Together, Charles E. Zecher and Sondra Perlin Zecher have nearly 100 years of experience studying the metaphysical and the paranormal. Over the years, they would meet with their colleagues in the Coral Spring (FL) Metaphysical Group where esteemed clairvoyant Sondra, would enter a deep trance and channel her spirit guide. Members of the group would communicate directly with the spirit guide, asking questions on some of the universe’s greatest mysteries. The information received from the guide’s answers to more than 2500 questions provided the basis for this book. These sessions covered a variety of topics that will intrigue readers including: reincarnation, karma, human evolution, life after death, ghosts, angels, the future, religion, God, creation, unsolved mysteries, the prehistoric world, extraterrestrials, the unseen, Atlantis, current world events, conspiracies, secret societies etc. The responses do not necessarily echo the authors’ beliefs. Instead, they simply showcase the information that was channeled through Sondra. Many will be surprised by the answers they find in Knowledge from the World Beyond. Hopefully many assumptions, concerns and skepticisms will be laid to rest. Likewise, as the book is read, the reader will be left with many new unanswered questions. Sondra is probably best known as "The "Son of Sam Psychic". Years ago she provided law enforcement with the information that enabled them to apprehend David Berkowitz.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
unsolved colleagues prehistoric questions Sondra