Know Who You Are: A Spiritual Guide to Eradicating Anxiety, Depression, and Dis-ease


Know Who You Are: A Spiritual Guide to Eradicating Anxiety, Depression, and Dis-ease


550 円 (税抜き)

"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." ?Proverbs, 23:7 (KJV) Ninety percent of our mental or physical health is due to our own ignorance. According to the CDC, nine out of ten people who experience anxiety, depression, and sickness suffer because of stress-related issues. That means we can control our ailments, but many don't possess the knowledge of divine health to take control. Certainly, no one wants to live in pain or despair, but the ability to overcome any mental or physical illness lies within. Most of us treat the symptomsーanxiety, depression, sickness, pain, etc.ーinstead of attacking the root of the problem, which is buried in our thoughts. Negative thinking, unforgiveness, guilt, bitterness, and a host of other emotional afflictions manifest as dis-ease in the body, and the body is an instrument of the mind. The symptoms are just the check-engine light, indicating that something must be fixed inside. With Know Who You Are, Author Courtney Martin will serve as your personal trainer, teaching you to maximize growth and internal strength. But this is a spiritual and mental exercise, not physical. You may experience some soreness and discomfort along the way. But you will become more focused, have better self-control, and learn how to live a happier, peaceful, more joyous life, putting you on the path to divine health. Learn your true power and what is promised to you in this life while you are still on this earth to enjoy it.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Author soreness problem trainer because