Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne Mosses from Old Manse include a collection of short stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 25 tales and sketches of the book, written while Hawthorne lived at Old Manse in Concord, State Mass., Which was the ancestral home of Ralph Waldo Emerson, as well as the short work. Best of authors Many of the romantic themes found in Hawthorne's long novels are mentioned in this story, such as the contradiction of reason and emotion in the Gothic tales “Rappaccini's Daughter” and “The Birthmark.” And between the puritanical religion and the supernatural in “Young Goodman Brown.” Another noteworthy is the title essay describing the parting and “Roger Malvin's Burial,” which is a historical story.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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