The System Apocalypse Issue 6 A Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy LitRPG Comic


The System Apocalypse Issue 6 A Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy LitRPG Comic


399 円 (税抜き)

Months after the apocalypse, the System keeps throwing new surprises at John Lee and his friends. They've got an incipient dungeon to handle - one that has killed them all. But as the weary and battered team returns to Whitehorse, they find new, alien visitors at their doorstep. Facing new threats from within and without, the City of Whitehorse is going to have to pull together. The System Apocalypse Issue 6 is an adaptation of the bestselling LitRPG - Life in the North, featuring monsters, character screens, XP, dragons and science fiction mecha in one heady, post-apocalyptic blend. The original book is available in ebook, paperback, hardcover and audiobook versions.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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bestselling together hardcover character threats