The Book of Pook Man's inner game for sucess In life and with women


The Book of Pook Man's inner game for sucess In life and with women


645 円 (税抜き)

The Book of Pook | 415 Pages | English The Book of Pook is probably the best book written on man's game, particularly inner game with respect to success with women and life. The book is a best of collection of posts by Pook in SoSuave forum and is a must read for any man who is trying to navigate in a world increasingly hostile to him and his manhood. This book is focuses on the source of the problems of a typical man, a nice guy (yes like the one in No More Mr. Nice Guy), and attempts to solve it at its core. As most men now is split into extremes, namely nice guys and jerk, the book offers an alternative to these two ungrown boy mentality: a grown up, emotionally and physically developed man - a masculine man. Be ready for a great change and unplug yourself from the Matrix. Keywords: Testosterone, Masculinity, Feminism, Relationships, Success with Women, Nice guys vs Jerks, What do women want, Seduction画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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