The Initiation of Alayne Adams


The Initiation of Alayne Adams


133 円 (税抜き)

What breaks you, can also make you. Torn between partying with her friends and doing the right thing, Alayne's life lacks any direction. When an incident leaves her with nowhere to turn, Alayne struggles to find her way. But an encounter in a library opens up new possibilities and a chance to learn. Can Alayne change or will old habits prove too hard to resist? Praise for Natasha Karis: 'A coming of age tale that reminds you just how hard growing up is. It's also a feel good tale full of hope and possibilities. The exposure to a list of non-fiction books and authors can draw you down a path of enlightenment and discovery well worth the time to find. I would recommend this book to most teens and to anyone feeling hopeless and needing a hand on the ledge of desperation and uncertainty.' - Goodreads review 'The Initiates is a polished, sharply observant, and philosophical novel about the growth that comes from knowledge, self-awareness, and under the guidance of a nurturing and conscientious educator. Karis's prose is striking, layered, and poetic. The storytelling style is graceful, even, and displays the author's clear dedication to craft.' (The BookLife Prize) Read the prequel novella to The Initiates today and discover where it all began.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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