Atlas of Diagnostic Hematology E-Book


Atlas of Diagnostic Hematology E-Book


31,996 円 (税抜き)

Ideal as a quick, easy-to-use reference in the laboratory or clinical setting, Atlas of Diagnostic Hematology is an abundantly illustrated guide to the vast range of malignant and non-malignant disorders of the blood. More than 1,200 vibrant, full-color images enable you to identify and compare the unique clinical and histologic features of various blood disorders and confidently reach a diagnosis. Coverage includes photos of actual cases that span the entire range of this complex field, including rare conditions and difficult diagnoses. Features more than 1,200 images including full-color pathologic and clinical images covering a wide range of hematologic malignant and non-malignant conditions. Covers a range of disease stages, from the slightest indication where diagnosis can be complicated or missed entirely, to what the average blood or biopsy sample signifying disease may look like, to an advanced stage where disease indications are abundantly clear. Helps you distinguish between similar and overlapping features and symptoms to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Provides up-to-date information on infectious processes in blood and bone marrow, classification system of myeloid neoplasms, and indolent and aggressive mature T and NK-cell lymphomas. Includes diagnostic algorithms with differential diagnoses for conditions with similar histologic features and clinical symptoms. Contains the latest WHO classifications for pathologic, genetic, and clinical information. 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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entire Hematology including indication mature