Finding a Care Home Family Caregiver Series, #2


Finding a Care Home Family Caregiver Series, #2


450 円 (税抜き)

My husband and my goal as caregivers to our parents has been to keep us all together in our home for the remainder of their lives. Our heartfelt belief, from the beginning, was that we could provide our parents with the safest and warmest environment, as well as the best personalized, loving care. When we came to the realization, first, that my Father-in-Law's and, later, my Mother's needs were beyond our abilities, it was a harsh truth. Over the course of seeking a licensed care facility, we have learned a great deal. In my eBook Parkinson's Disease and Dementia Family Caregiver Series: Finding a Care Home I detail the steps we took to find the proper care environment for our parents. I also discuss care options, costs, and provide a printable version of the checklist I used for interviewing and touring care facilities. This ebook is an invaluable tool for any family seeking additional care for their loved one.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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