How Our Family Prepared A Home To Care For Our Elderly Parents Family Caregiver Series, #1


How Our Family Prepared A Home To Care For Our Elderly Parents Family Caregiver Series, #1


450 円 (税抜き)

This is the first in a series of books for caregivers of an elderly family member with emphasis on Parkinson's Disease and/or dementia. It is a first-hand guide for preparing your home to care for adult family members in need of a little extra help. The topics range from how to make a home bathroom accessible to how to manage home life with family members who have a debilitating disease. It also provides illustrations and anecdotal accounts of the trials and triumphs of home care. About the work, the author writes, "My husband and I live with and care for both of his elderly parents and my mother. Our experiences over 14 years as family caregivers inspired this series of books. In this volume, How Our Family Prepared a Home To Care For Our Elderly Parents, I share the steps we took to create a warm, comfortable, and safe home for our parents' later years." This book explains one family's experience and should not replace the advice of a doctor, pharmacist, or other healthcare professional. Nothing in this e-book should be construed as professional advice.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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healthcare series accounts bathroom author