X-Venture - Titanoboa: Coils Of Doom


X-Venture - Titanoboa: Coils Of Doom


1,130 円 (税抜き)

It"s the mighty Amazon for the X-VENTURE Xplorers, after a logger reports an attack by what seems to be a giant, prehistoric snake! Soldiering through mosquitoes, sweltering heat and stifling humidity, the team seeks the source of the terrifying truth. But things take a sinister turn when they find traces of the creature"s meals, not all of which are animal in origin! Will the mystery of the supersized serpent be solved? Or will our heroes shuffle off this mortal coil? Slither in and find out!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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supersized shuffle sweltering mighty Xplorers