Thoughts are the most intimate central parts of our beings. They regenerate and shape our identity and shape what we identify with. They are essential to becoming a new being. These poetic forces are designed to link to that inner most part. They express the good, the ugly, the hardened heart, and the open. Truth and reality is the only pain that it brings, however, in the same light it will heal and sooth. As we should know, these components are essential for development, and for growth. Its core represents the functionality of our existence. These many facets of our lives are good to reflect upon because they are essential dimensions of life. Found through these words (thoughts) are the presence of resentment turned to forgiveness, hatred turned to love, stupidity/foolishness turned to wisdom, anxiety turned to calmness, and it sees to it to make the judgment to become non-judgmental. It is for the sick, the lost, the suffering, the downtrodden, and for those who feel forgotten to understand they need only to recognize themselves. I hope these poetic remedies become an aid and allows one to reflect, to decompress, and to become in tune with every part of themselves because, it is essential to touch every dimension of our souls. It is what nature intends.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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