A Handbook of Pediatric Terms With Simple Non-technical Definitions WordsRUs Pediatric Dictionaries, #1


A Handbook of Pediatric Terms With Simple Non-technical Definitions WordsRUs Pediatric Dictionaries, #1


1,050 円 (税抜き)

A note from Brandy… As a stay at home mom of 4, I did well keeping up with the usual jargon when it came to minor ailments such as a cold, rash or fever. However, I was a fish out of water when my children who have rare autoimmune diseases started getting sick and we started going to the "ologist" specialists. I found it hard to ask questions or raise concerns when I didn't understand what they were saying or what it meant. When asked for the clarification, the explanation would be riddled off to me in medical terms that did not help me whatsoever. So I would go home and do the dreaded Google search trying to understand what they said and what it meant, which always led down a rabbit hole that ended in the fact, we were all dying. This book benefits not only the young mother but everyone that does not have a medical degree; bridge the gap between the medical world and the patient. We break down the medical terminology barrier and put it into simplier explanations. In doing so, it benefits the doctors and the patient by allowing them to both have understanding and allows for better communication. ---------------- Children represent a unique subset of emergency patients, making up about one-quarter of all emergency department visits. It's a scary time for both the children and parents. You're bombarded with new and unfamiliar terms. This book is specifically written to provide an understanding of pediatric terminology for parents, pediatrician receptionists, pediatrician technicians, and others who work in any child care related field. ? Learn to understand what your pediatrician says. ? Easy to understand explanations of pediatric terms. ? The most common terms and medications explained. This dictionary is designed for use by parents. It contains the most common pediatric terms with simple definitions and explanations of the diseases and treatments commonly encountered in children. It is NOT a handbook of home remedies or treatments for children, but rather a handbook to help you understand the terminology and procedures used by your pediatrician. This convenient guide includes terms and definitions for virtually every type of patient visit. General examinations, Bright Futures stage discussions, emergency department interactions, and terms for discussing specific body systems (hematology, respiratory, cardiovascular, etc.) The dictionary is organized into three sections: ? Alphabetical list of terms with definitions. ? Acronyms and Abbreviations. ? Commonly used Medications and Usages画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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getting common encountered organized explanations