Brunch with a Scurry of Squirrels


Brunch with a Scurry of Squirrels


112 円 (税抜き)

Case Study: Squirrels? Lina, a new witch taking a much-needed day off, has her first magical creature encounter (outside of those pesky demons she met in Twisted Treats). Brunch with a Scurry of Squirrels takes place within the Cursed Candy Mysteries world. Disclaimer! There are mild spoilers for the third book, Fatal Fudge. This story can be read as a stand alone, but is best enjoyed as a part of the series. Brunch with a Scurry of Squirrels is approximately 4,000 words and contains an additional 1,000 word excerpt to the first book in the Cursed Candy Mysteries series.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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series Scurry enjoyed Squirrels outside