Least Trodden Ground


Least Trodden Ground


146 円 (税抜き)

Digger listened to Uncle Benjamin's stories and acquired her nickname while helping him plant flowers at family graves. She looks forward to spending time with him after busted pipes put her kitchen ceiling on the floor. She didn't expect to find his body at his mountain home, the Ancestral Sanctuary. Who would kill the parsimonious octogenarian who helped the historical society find a new abode? And what will digging into family history tell Digger and her cousin, Franklin, about Benjamin's killer? Spooky times in the Appalachian Mountains of Western Maryland. The first book of the Family History Myster Series will have you looking over your shoulder the next time you visit a graveyard.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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history busted History looking >Digger