Married & Bright


Married & Bright


313 円 (税抜き)

For pop star Bianca Esposito, superstardom is right around the corner. In two weeks she and her chart-topping Christmas hit will be on a world tour. For now, she wants to (try to) enjoy being home for the holidays. If the creepy but, sort of cute, Rideo driver staring at her in the rearview mirror actually takes her there. There isn’t much Jaden Brooks wouldn’t do for his family, including picking up a rideshare shift to help with his brother’s medical bills and delivering his tipsy cousin home safely from a bar. He’s the guy who always does the right thing. Never abandons his family or steps out of line, which is why he doesn’t flirt with passengers or engage in awkward conversationsーor ask the beautiful woman in the backseat for her number. When Bianca and her friends end up at the same bar where Jaden picks up his cousin, it seems too coincidental. As Bianca accuses Jaden of stalking her, their heated conversation sets off sparksーand the attention of her fans. Soon, a getaway Rideo drive turns into a perfect night beneath the neon lights where hot chocolate shots and winter wonderland kisses blur into midnight marriage vows. After a media storm erupts, the pair must decide: is it possible to follow both your dreams and your heart?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
passengers heated always brother stalking