Bible of David or Domination of the World Through Lies and Deception History of the Abrahamic Religion and Their Consequences. Taboo Book. Second edition, corrected and supplemented


Bible of David or Domination of the World Through Lies and Deception History of the Abrahamic Religion and Their Consequences. Taboo Book. Second edition, corrected and supplemented


200 円 (税抜き)

This book-study and a brief explanatory note I address to those clear-headed patriots of Israel who are not only in words but also in fact fighting for the safe living of the long-suffering people of Israel on the land of their fathers ? in the State of Israel and in the places where they were scattered ? across the planet Earth. Second edition, corrected and supplemented.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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fighting scattered patriots explanatory address