Attributes of God Experience the Character of God in your life


Attributes of God Experience the Character of God in your life


116 円 (税抜き)

The book’s title best describes the content inside. It’s very important to understand a person’s character to approach them, to talk, to convey our request and get their guidance. Many a times, our understanding of God’s character is based on our tradition and our experience and is different from the Biblical truth. This might be the only root cause for our unhappiness today. We Say God is good. But are we standing by this truth at the toughest points of our life? A thin line differentiates our understanding from the truthーthat is the key factor. I believe this book will deal those thin line differences in our hearts and help to understand God the way the Bible tells. The benefits we receive when we understand God’s attributes the right way are countless. Happy reading. You are blessed.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Biblical points hearts convey unhappiness