Native-Speakerism Its Resilience and Undoing


Native-Speakerism Its Resilience and Undoing


17,016 円 (税抜き)

This book explores native-speakerism in modern language teaching, and examines the ways in which it has been both resilient and critiqued. It provides a range of conceptual tools to situate ideological discourses and processes within educational contexts. In turn, it discusses the interdiscursive nature of ideologies and the complex ways in which ideologies influence objective and material realities, including hiring practices and, more broadly speaking, unequal distributions of power and resources. In closing, it considers why the diffusion and consumption of ideological discourses seem to persist, despite ongoing critical engagement by researchers and practitioners, and proposes alternative paradigms aimed at overcoming the problems posed by the native-speaker model in foreign language education.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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language ideological including -speaker examines