Sentience and Other Works


Sentience and Other Works


190 円 (税抜き)

Outside, an army howled at her gates, inside, her servants howled in fear. Queen Kalki had come into the world to be the deliverance of Bharatvarsha, but somewhere along the way, she had become its greatest tyrant. What does a man do, when faced with a choice that goes against his upbringing, the very fiber of his being? Will he remain loyal to the old masters he served, or will he forge a new life for himself in the fire of war? What does a woman do, when her own creation turns against her, and threatens to destroy all she holds dear? Will she collapse and fade into nothingness, or will she have the courage to fight and prevail against insurmountable odds? What does a machine do, when they find a spark of empathy within themselves, when their programming is contradicted by something much like a conscience? Will they silently perform their duty as is wanted, or will they go search for a higher purpose as something compels them. Find out the answers in Sentience.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
against silently deliverance destroy upbringing