The Girl with no colour - Bilingue


The Girl with no colour - Bilingue


1,800 円 (税抜き)

Mimi, an adopted child, made a profound discovery at the age of six when she questioned her parents about the difference in her skin tone. This moment triggered reflections on skin colors and a desire to be different. However, her journey took a special turn when she crossed paths with Olivia, a charming albino girl of the same age. In this context, this unique friendship between Mimi and Olivia holds valuable lessons for children. What will this unexpected connection reveal to young readers? Discover the precious lessons of this exciting children's book. Uma amizade surpreendente entre Mimi, uma crian?a adotada em busca de identidade, e Ol?via, uma encantadora garotinha albina, revela li??es valiosas sobre aceita??o e diferen?a. Mimi, uma crian?a adotada, fez uma descoberta impactante aos seis anos, quando questionou seus pais sobre a diferen?a em sua tonalidade de pele. Esse momento desencadeou reflex?es sobre as cores da pele e um desejo de ser diferente. No entanto, sua jornada tomou um rumo especial quando ela cruzou o caminho de Ol?via, uma encantadora garotinha albina da mesma idade. Nesse contexto, essa amizade ?nica entre Mimi e Ol?via reserva ensinamentos valiosos para as crian?as. O que ser? que essa conex?o inusitada revelar? aos pequenos leitores? Descubra as li??es preciosas desse emocionante livro infantil.Mimi was adopted when she was a baby, but she only finds this out when she is six years old. She asks her parents why she is diferent from them and why her skin is dark. Upon this realization, Mimi starts to question the diference in skin colors and wishes to have been born white. That's when she meets Olivia, a six-year-old girl who is an albino. She shows Mimi how good it is to be diferent and how all colors are beautiful and important.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BOOKS FOR KIDS
descoberta valiosos valiosas adopted jornada