Emily Dickinson’s wrote: The heart wants what the heart wants or else it does not care. TRAGEDY (A Simple Love Story), parallels that same sentiment. Does love last or does it fade? Is there such a thing as true love? This is the eternal question we ask over and over. It’s all so simple, one day you walk into a room and see that special someone and you know that you are meant by fate to be with that person. But is there really such a thing, a real true love? A love that will last even though the years may go? And what if you are so young at the time, everyone simply tells you for precisely that reason it will never last. That you are too young to know what love is. The year is 1958, almost a decade before the famous Summer of Love and two young teenagers meet for the first time. And in spite of what everyone is telling them, they fall in love, but will that love last? They do not know at the time what life is going to throw at them, and after a couple of years they separate. So is the two lover’s journey over? Three decades later, one of them receives a strange phone call from a friend. What happened during those three decades and what happened after that phone call is the basis of this semi-fictional love story based on actual facts.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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