The Origin of Species (Squashed Edition)


The Origin of Species (Squashed Edition)


1,060 円 (税抜き)

The Squashed edition of The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Abridged from the original text to read in an hour or so. This scientific treatise not only revolutionized every branch of the natural sciences, but has profoundly influenced the literary, philosophical and religious thinkers who followed. This is what the modern philosopher Daniel Dennett called 'Darwin's dangerous idea'- that natural selection governs, not only the world's flora and fauna, but its history, economics and beliefs. Squashed editions are precise abridgements - the original ideas, in their own words, the full beam of the book, the quotable quotes and all the famous lines, but neatly honed down to the length of a readable short story. "Like reading the bible without all the begats" - Prof. Jim Curtis画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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dangerous history called selection influenced