A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire


A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire


231 円 (税抜き)

A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire was inspired by the challenges and persecution faced by the author after an acrimonious marriage break up. Conceived from their encouragement, the uplifting quotes and thoughts that they too may have experienced in their life of hardships and trials; is a way to help them heal. An inspired piece of writing is is meant to encourage each and every person seeking to be more self-confident and filled with self-belief. A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire will speak to every reader's heart.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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marriage challenges writing author -confident