Sphaerodactyls Endemic to South-Eastern of Martinique and Geological History of the Eastern Caribbean


Sphaerodactyls Endemic to South-Eastern of Martinique and Geological History of the Eastern Caribbean


1,177 円 (税抜き)

In 2013 during preliminary work for the ABC (Atlas of the Biodiversity Communal) of Sainte-Anne, a very particular phenotype of Sphaerodactylus was observed present around and on the limestone Dulls of the peninsula of the southeastern Martinique; Groba & Thorpe's work in molecular biology carried first important data allowing to identify the existence of two Sphaerodactyl species for Martinique going back to the date of their divergence -12 My, and without integrating the data concerning the species of sphaerodactyls present in St. Lucia. It was not until 2015 that we became aware of additional data with the published work of Hedges et al., allowing to integrate in our analysis sphaerodactyls present in Saint Lucia. Molecular biological data allow us to test our hypothesis of demonstration of a third line in Martinique of sphaerodactyls represented by our S. X sp. in southeastern Martinique, distinct from the two lineages that generated S. vincenti in the southwest, and S. festus in northern Martinique.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Molecular observed existence carried phenotype