Divine Marriage: The Solution to Our Salvation - There's Strenght In Numbers


Divine Marriage: The Solution to Our Salvation - There's Strenght In Numbers


1,862 円 (税抜き)

Are you interested in learning more about the alternative lifestyle of Polygamy? Want to know the history of Polygamy throughout the ages and world cultures? Or do you want to learn how Polygamy could be used to overcome the issues facing the modern household? Providing a detailed breakdown of Polygamy, how it has historically been practiced, and how it might be the answer to society’s modern relationship woes, this book offers an insight into an alternative lifestyle which has, up until modern times, been widespread. With reflections on the poor state of the modern household, the epidemic of single-parent homes, and the role of feminism in damaging gender relations, inside this book you’ll find: *A History of Polygamy *What Different Forms Does Polygamy Take? *Polygamy in Cultures Around the World *The Pros of Polygamy ? Financial, Social, and More *Polygamy, Feminism, and Modern Relationships *Why Polygamy Could be The Answer to the Single-Parent Home Epidemic *And Much More画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FAMILY LIFE & COMICS
history Providing insight household History