Corporate Affairs: Codes of Misconduct


Corporate Affairs: Codes of Misconduct


1,098 円 (税抜き)

With high profile careers, close knit families, financial wealth and even lives at stake, corporate affairs in the workplace are on the rise despite firmly established codes of conduct with severe consequences - both employee and spouse - are now no longer left to suspect. Corporate Affairs: Codes of Mis-Conduct, shows the battles that all employees face daily in the workplace on two fronts. From spending more time with their co-workers than time at home with their spouses, employees struggle to avert the highly tempting emotional and physical fixes that their ailing marriages or relationships so desperately yearn for. The second battle requires that each worker make a conscious decision to resist violating company policies or electing to satisfy sexual urges at the risk of severe consequences.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer desperately employees -Conduct requires